Home School Community Liaison Co-ordinator

The HSCL promotes partnership and active co-operation between home, school and community.  

Ms Breege Smith, our HSCL Co-Ordinator encourages and supports ongoing communication between the school and the home. Breege’s position is a shared position with Castlepollard Community College.  

Part of her job will include: 

  • Visiting parents to offer advice and support if they have a problem relating to their child’s education.  Maybe their son/daughter is not attending as often as they should be, are having troubles in their friendship groups or find it difficult getting organised for school.  Breege will be there to offer a friendly ear and support if it is needed.  

  • Organising courses and activities for parents.  For example, our successful Cookery Classes and walking group.  All courses and events are free of charge. 

  • Sharing of information between the school and home that could be helpful to you, the parents. 

  • Creating positive relationships between Columba College and the families of our students.  As HSCL Breege has nothing to do with discipline in the school, her role is purely to support parents in their dealings with school. 

  • Liaising with outside services with the objective of supporting families 

  • Liaising with the Parents Association 

Message from Breege: 

I look forward to working with you all to help your child/children reach their full potential here in Columba College.  

You can contact me on   086 830 0965  or email me on bsmith.cck@lwetb.ie   

Parents Classes 2020

Have a look at how we are running our parents classes this year!

If you are interested in joining our parents classes please contact Breege!


Some helpful talks:

Lets Talk Series with Colman Noctor

Some helpful websites: 


 *Columba College Killucan and LWETB are not responsible for the content of third-party websites*
